Quote -VIKINGMAN-="-VIKINGMAN-"Says the man from Salford, robbed any cars lately?
You could have asked if they had killed any deer which had wandered into Pendleton from the countryside.
Now, any other urban area in Britain would find a pair of deer wandering into its streets an amazing thing. Parents would call out their children to see the spectacle of two fine wild deer walking about so close to their homes. Responsible people might phone the RSPCA to get help for the lost animals in case any harm came to them.
Not the residents of Salford though. Instead, the locals bricked the male deer until they killed it and frightened the doe until it ran off and was caught in railings. Residents ran from their homes and attacked the animal until the RSPCA finally did arrive to rescue it.
They've got some scum living in Salford who let down the four or five decent families who live there every time.