My latest idea to reinvigorate our club - lets re-release this classic. Part of the success over the Robbie years was not just his playing style and in your face interviews but also the song. The crowds will come flocking back espcially if we get one of our current stars to sing it.
Well I think Burgess fits the bill nicely. Young, attractive, a top athlete and a big career ahead of him. In the age of the X factor theres no reason why we can't cut costs and give one of our own the singing duties. Someone has to do the rapping though - maybe get Robbie or Big Joe back to do a cameo, or even some of the old stagers still at the club like Macca and Medley. The Mac Rap has a nice ring to it.
Perhaps MC Wiggy can do the production for us on the cheap. Nick Scruton is a bit of a singer but we don't want and of that 'winning rhinos' rubbish thank you!
What do people think. For mine this is harmless fun that won't cost much or hurt our reputation and may bring in more fans! Come on Hood make it happen!!!!