Right I said before that I wouldn’t talk about unemployment on these forums anymore and unfortunately I couldn’t stop myself. So this is the last thread that I’m getting drawn into this ‘tired’ debate as I’d rather focus on more positive things.
All I want to say is that pound-for-pound the government spends 624 times more on adverts demonising ‘benefits cheats’ than rich tax dodgers – a sure sign that their priority is propaganda and not a genuine desire to balance the books. Now the government is neither gullible nor over-generous when it provides benefits for citizens. After all what’s £50 a week (that’s what I get) to a system that gathers in trillions in that same week?
The money that I’m paid comes out of the bond account that is set up in conjunction with my birth certificate when I’m born and registered as chattel of the corporation of the nation that I’m born in.
I was born in Great Britain PLC right?
The unemployment benefits payment is a contract I take out to not exceed a set payment from the bond account of the money that is actually mine. It is a con to get me to only take out small portions of the millions of sterlin that I have in a bond account so that I 'subsist' on the 'poverty line' and will be more inclined to get a job and therefore pay back the loan taken out against my future tax payments. In other words, unemployment benefits is a con job to stop me from accessing the millions in my bond account and a way of maintaining my servitude.
Why is my bond account worth millions?
You can’t put a price on life.
The person(s) with the most power runs this world and this is how they run it by making sure that people who they deem unworthy lead a life of struggle. The MI5 can give you degrees that you didn’t work for whilst everyone else spends years at University trying to gain them is an example of how corrupt this world truly is.
Like Michael Hutchence said -
Quote You are born into this world
Looking down the barrel of a gun
And those who hold the gun
Want you to work fast and die young
And if you don't work
If you don't obey
They'll make you live in fear
till your dying day
Those who govern hold the gun to your head
With religions,
corporations, proud of blood They've shed'"
If anyone can sort this mess out its Her Majesty whose the biggest landowner in the whole wide world today. She got this through inheritance rather than earning the land. Heck even if you buy your own house, she still owns the land underneath.
Finally I don’t blame today’s mess on her because it was all done way before her time. If I had inherited wealth like she did I’d sold all the Palaces and use the money to erase poverty and this con that I explained above. Unfortunately I can’t see her doing that too soon and I don’t blame her.
She’s old and she’s probably heard story’s of how the Mother Teresa’s of this planet end up not been looked after when they body’s can’t cope. In fact we’ve all probably know someone whose worked all their lives only to be treated like .