Quote Milly="Milly"R E S P E C T
I'm glad that you and your club are happily set up but...
I don't have a problem with you blowing your club's trumpet but it seems they didn't teach you sportsmanship. Unfortunately not all players have the same opportunities as you but they continue to play on regardless. It takes a better player to turn up week in and week out in a team of 11 than one who runs out with 17. A 'e player' can hide in a big squad, but every player has to play a part in a team of 11. Don't be so disrespectful to other players and other clubs. It might not always run so smoothly for you - you never know what the future brings.'"
In fairness the e player remark was out of order, but the issue reguarding the two teams had nothing to do with the players it was the coaches decision. Nothing the players could have done about it and believe me it upset some of the players, but for me it was a correct decision.