Quote seuseuwho?="seuseuwho?"I've found the perfect solution for Donny's season. I stay away and we play a whole lot better. Sounds like a great performance. Seems like we play better against the top teams too.
Don't think I'll be able to stay away though. I love a team of triers.
O & thanks Andrew. It's at times like this when you know who your friends are.'"
Although Halifax were better than us and bombed quite a few chances....the fact is that they don't need a leg up from the referee.
The game was finely balanced at 4-4 and about twenty odd minutes had elapsed.....it was a game.. a contest with both sides playing decent stuff....Halifax were better...but that doesn't matter.
So instead of leaving it alone and letting it go the ref had to intervene and spoil it.....not intentionally of course....but they should think twice about what they are doing...think twice about sticking that bloody whistle in their gobs and blowing it.
Alright if something is blatant fine.....but most things are just a matter of milliseconds...just a matter of how the ref is feeling at the time....and I find it inconsistent and game detroying.
Rather than admiring dogged resistance by a defending side against a superior attacking side the refs seem to be looking for reasons to penalise the defending side.....and so it's 'offside'...its 'holding down..it's 'hands on the ball' at the play the ball etc
And so it went last night a couple of nothingness penalties by a ref who must have thought he had nowt to do so had to stick his oar in gave Halifax the field position for their second and third tries.....GAME OVER.
All the hard work by the Dons came to nothing.
Some will say....'well don't give penalties away'...my point being there are blatant penalties and nitpicking penalties given by nitpicking refs who once they have given a few and destroyed a game let most things go then.
The number of forward passes thrown yesterday and unpunished was disgraceful.....except he spotted ours when we went over ( it was forward).
The best ref is one that you hardly notice.....I wish they could be a bit more lenient when games are tight and let the players dictate who wins.
All that said Halifax would have won anyway...so I am not knocking them....but we the spectators would have been treated to a closer more exciting game.
Once Halifax had got a few scores ahead they could relax and play rugby....our only hope was to not allow that and keep the scores close....the penalties at critical times killed us.