Quote Now then="Now then"I may not always agree with all postings but I believe that the users on this forum are as quick to praise and celebrate as much as criticise and debate.
I am and have been a massive fan since the age of 10 some 24 years ago, my old man has been watching from the very first match, my wife converted from Cas some 10 years ago, whilst my nephew and son are also being blooded into the Dons.
Having bought replica shirts most years, memorbillia, weekly programmes at all home games, along with attending many away games and all home games each season I hope Carl can balance his frustration at the comments he has read with the fact that as with ALL forums this is where fans talk and debate....(go read one of Man U's if not sure and they are arguably the most successful sporting team out there).
I have yet to see any personal attacks on anyone.
Having also PM'd the club many times to praise the efforts I would hope that I myself is not being tarred with this brush....and unfortunately statements like this do....
I travel from Penistone every match which loction wise is nearer to about 10 other clubs - but I don't because I live and breathe the DONS....
I hope the club understands the effort we all put in as I do the club.
Note also when the Coach bills this as a must win game prior and sets his stall out for expectations from the team, it is that expectation that the fans then are hoping to see.
I am now refraining from posting on here for the remainder of the season.
COYD let's finish next 3 games in style.'"
If you stop posting on here, or anyone does for that matter, he wins a small but unjustifiable victory.
This is a FANS forum for goodness sake, as I have said many times when someone doesn't like what's being said and has a go.
It doesn't belong to the Don's management ... they have their own site. And short of breaking the laws on defamation and libel, we can say just how we feel with due regard to common decency and a weather eye on respect and courtesy and the AUP.
To look at the world through rose-coloured spectacles might be fine in theory and I suppose if someone wants to go through life in an 'ignorance is bliss' state of mind then that's their choice.
Most of the rest of us realise that life is not like that. Sh/te happens and it's how you deal with it that matters. Pretending it didn't happen is just burying your head in the soil.
The very fact that we don't all have the same point of view is what gives life some extra spice, some extra interest. And that's what is so good about this forum, it is a window where we can voice our opinion in a relatively safe environment and have a bit of fun without the fear of someone kicking-off and resorting to physical violence.
It's a temporal medium.
Finally, as I always say, to imagine that in some way the people who post on here have any bearing on the general support for the Dons numerically or financially is quite wrong and the thinking of some paranoid mind.
To then go and bring it to the attention of the media about a handful of fans who voice discontent with shabby performances and to somehow extrapolate that into a team of wreckers hell-bent on personal damage to players sensibilities is farcical.
We ARE the supporters for Christ sake.
Or at least a cross-section of them with some computer skills and an urge to communicate.
So my recommendation would be to read and take notice and debate the bits that are unpalatable and don't spit out your dummy Mr Hall.