Quote vikings 4 ever="vikings 4 ever"So you 1st give the impression that you know him and talk to him - hence the "ask me any question" comments. Then you basically start slagging him off?
At the end of the day, we don't even know who you are or why you want to stir things up. As things stand Wildbore has bascially said he will knuckle down and try to make things work at Widnes. Unless things happen in the future to contradict that then you've got no right to start questioning what he says. It appears to me that you are either an ex-team-mate, or even possibly someone connected with Widnes who doesn't like him. Whatever it is we're not interested. The only way Widnes will succeed is if everyone pulls in the same direction, the last thing people want to read is people stiring things just after it all appears to be calming down. Whether your comments are true or not, they are designed for one reason and one reason only, which is to further de-stabilise the relationship between the fans + players.'"
I am not slagging him off i have nothing against Loz at all i swear, it just annoys me when i read stuff on here and know its not true.
Until you know the players personally you cannot judge them on here which is what ppl seem to do.
Fair play if he has said sorry and that he will knuckle down, i will say sorry to you all when i see it happening !!
as for ppl been friends with players on facebook its personal information on there so you cannot judge them by that either.
not on here to offend anyone