Quote Jake the Peg="Jake the Peg"dowes 2005 > dowes 2009
king 2005 > king 2009
thackery 2005 > thackery 2009
swain > berrigan/houghton/lee
mcmenemy > tickle
chester > radford
kearney > manu
carvel > cusack
lauaiki and crocker wouldn't have improved this pack enough to make it the equal of the 2005 one'"
Did you read my post? Because, if you did, I'm not sure why you've written what you have.
Anyway, to go down your route, but making it relevant to what I wrote:
Dowes = Dowes
King = King
Thackray = Thackray
Carvell > Cusack
Swain ≈ Berrigan
McMenemy ≈ Tickle
Kearney > Radford
Chester < Manu
Put Crocker in for Radford and that position is roughly equal. Put Lauaki in for King (with Cusack staying in and him being a better play that the King of 2005) and he's not far off Carvell (assuming he plays as he has in the NRL). As I said, add those two signings and it's not far off the pack of 2005. And that's without people like Burnett and Washbrook, who should both be in our first choice 17 (13?) and would be improvements.