Quote Barry_McKenzie="Barry_McKenzie"I like RU ... as well as League.
I drink with quite a few RU fans.
They see RL the same way as we see Kiwis.
That slightly irritating insignificant similar neighbour that always seems to be there but would wish no harm on them.
RU Fans/Players/Organisations dont CARE what RL does. Its 2 differnt sports. RU dont want to see RL put out of business. RU doesnt care about RL.
I wish people would realise that.'"
Bazza, I disagree about the 4 nations thingy.....it's good that the top 3 nations and 1 other meet regularly.....and anything is possible as the current RL World Champions will tell you
As for the supposed Union wanting League gone......I couldn't agree more. I too watch both codes and freely admit to watching less and less union these days, but also to enjoying the current tri-nations. For me to admit thios on the NRL boards would result in 2 particular posters calling me a union troll, asking me over to woolong (or something like that) for a fist fight.
It is a simple fact that Union has no interest in League apart from picking up a couple of players here and there.......and so what? Izzy is off to AFL.......and according to the gang of 2 on the NRL boards he should be flayed at the stake...whenall he is doing is earning more money. League will survive without him......
Union have gone froma standing start as shamateur to a massive global event in their world cup. They will attract major sponsors (no offence to engage....but I'd rate Guinness as a much bigger brand) and get TV audiences on a global scale that League can only dream of.
Why in gods name would union give a flying one about league
I watched the Crim v NZ game last weekend with 2 fumbleball fans....they had no idea of the rules, asked whether it was union or league and then asked what the difference was......AFL fans don't care either, but don't tell that to the siamese twins over on the NRL board...they'll run to the mods trying to get you banned.
League is a sport in its own right and needs to make decisions on what is best for itself....not worry about other codes. They all have issues of their won to deal with.
But...I say, keep the 4 nations.......Australia are not as good as they have been and the others are catching up.