Quote dally messenger="dally messenger"mal meninga is on board supporting a PNG bid.
but hey, someone who thinks there arent enough police in a couple of streets of Port moresby knows more than big mal'"
More to this, Big Mal is that scared he has made private trips to PNG. The only problem he has is fighting off the well wishers.
Unfortunately some companies take their cue from the so called "smart traveler" website put out by a bunch of cowards hiding in their fortress that is the Aussie High Comm. Everyone else carries on operating successful businesses and amazingly staying alive.
Anyway some food for thought.
1 Security - yes there is a problem but an NRL footballer is super safe - they are treated like gods and nobody would dare harm them.
2 Money - PNG is indeed 3rd world but that doesn't mean money isn't there - it is just very unequally distributed. For example property prices in Port Moresby would put Sydney to shame but they get paid. There is also a considerable resources boom going on so contrary to some "experts" the cash is there.
3 Stadium. This is what will stop any bid as there isn't a suitable one. The government has promised one but they have a less than stellar record for delivering the goods. It isn't a total pipe dream though as the govrnment found no problems in buying an executive jet for themselves so if there is a will there's a way.
4 PNG is the one country where RL is the undoubted number one sport. However we can't be afford to be complacent as more money goes into soccer simply because spare change for FIFA dwarfs any other sports budget. Fortunately soccer there is extremely corruptly and inefficiently run preventing it gaining a stronger foothold but there is no guarantee that this will always be so. Do we really want to be rueing missed opportunity's 15 year's on with nancyball taking over?