Quote Wellsy13="Wellsy13"This is possibly one of the most ignorant posts I have read on here from someone who claims to be knowledgable about the game's history.'"
I know full well any problems RL has had to face thank you very much but it still doesn't explain it's ridiculously small growth. Yes, RL has had to face many problems that others haven't but ATEOTD, it's always excuses isn't it? We would have done this, we would have done that if only it wasn't for Union or whatever. Well why did none of it work? Because the 'heartlanders' didn't like newcomers getting involved and taking away resources, a cry which still resounds today. Ever since I got into RL, I have been telling people how RL will one day rule the world and quoted the same arguments you said to me about problems developing the game but not anymore, I'm just going to enjoy it for what it is, a small game doing not too bad but with no real chance of developing.
Besides, I don't actually recall stating my views on the CC, so how do you know what I think about their inclusion? Maybe because I aren't rubbing my hands and laughing, you assume I think it was a great idea?