Quote belgianxiii="belgianxiii"I never pretended to know the facts about this, I run mostly off things written in an authoritive fashion on this forum - like most people here.
You are guessing at the cost of the TO trip, how's about this for a guess - 30 people at 1k each = £30k.
I'm sure there was an article on the Beeb about £100k to Championship clubs, you say there's strings attached, but you want to attach strings yourself (tie money to marketing).
I am confused by your attitude towards the RFL, you say they suck but then when something needs sorting out they're the only people who can do it. You point out some very good ideas, but the clubs chose not to do this, so you want the RFL to force them to - but when the RFL try to force them to improve in a way that is not exactly the way you think they should go about it you get all vitriolic.'"
I think you are getting confused here , I would estimate the cost of taking a team either to Toulouse or for Toulouse to come here to be around 6-10 K per game depending on which team and what time of the year etc
Read my earlier post , the total amout of money available to the 21 Championship clubs is 2.1 million , which if divided equally works out at 100 k each
That is how the RFL publicised it , but in reality that include all sponsorship monies from Nothern rail and the Co-oP and travel costs as well
So in theory every club ' could ' access 100 k , in truth a few will get more and most will get a lot less