Quote paulshorpe="paulshorpe"Potter's injuries were just as bad as Simmons' I won't go into the facts, they simply were
Without sounding crass, I'm sure Simmons is blaming anything on his fathers death, so nor should you
Eastmondgate affected us for 3 games (one of which we won, one was wire)
Moore, come off it, effected us in no way
The training ground, is that a joke? Simmons has been at cowley all year
At lomax and gaskell are half backs
Ones I'll give you, kc is a big loss (although his replacement is arguably our best player this year), not being at kr (however I doubt how big a factor this is)
So again, in what department has Simmons improved us this year?
Our defence, our attack, our substitute policy, improved our youngsters greatly.. I'm not saying potter was excellent, but how have we improved this year'"
I'd say he has improved the defence, even with the disruption. Although I'll also conceed the sub policy leaves alot to be desired. It's ok trying a new tactic, I'm all for trying stuff, but even with my optimistic outlook I could see the back on the bench had little if no impact by halfway since before half the season.
With the kids, well has he improved out youngsters, in the backs yes, in the forwards no.
Our attack well it's been fits and starts some weeks great other weeks not so.
He has controlled the defence though and if you can keep a hold on defence even if your attacks not firing it wil keep you in touch for most games.
It's been a tough year for Royce, for me this match coming up will demonstrate whether he has seen the light, there is no excuse for a back on the bench this week and if he does do it, then it's dogmatic rather than putting any thought into it.