Quote Bal="Bal"
However some of the responses on here are way over the top. Lets not forget that the problems were indeed started not by a Hull fan, but by a Leeds fan who threw (and yes, I did see it) a bottle at one of our players - for which I believe he was rightfully ejected from the ground. That proceeded to idiots from our club throwing empty bottles into the Leeds supporters and two bottles (that I saw) been thrown back at Hull fans. There were apparently the odd scuffle outside the ground as well between the two sets of fans. So, in a nutshell a bunch of numskulls from Hull and Leeds decided to play the big I am act - visit any town Centre in the country after 8pm for further case studies.
The missle that was thrown at Luaki wasn't a bottle, but rather about a half full plastic beer glass.
How do I know this ?
Well, the individual in question wasn't a million miles away from where the Admiral was sat and whilst I didn't see the person concerned actually throw it (I saw it as it came from somewhere close over my right shoulder shortly after launch) and on to the field of play.
However, there were people who were sat with me who DID see the person that throw it and what HE was wearing (interestingly, they weren't wearing Leeds colours, but by that I am not suggesting they weren't a Leeds fan). He was nothing to do with us / our party and members of my party that were sat near them had no interaction with them during the course of the game.
In terms of where it was in the ground, it was nowhere near Chav Corner (quite the opposite, in fact) and was a reasonable distance back from the perimiter fence.
More than that, I can't tell you, because funnily enough I was watching what was going on down on the pitch at the time the item was thrown. It's only after chatting to people within my group this week and on the news of a subsequent RFL investigation, that I've found out that the 'receptical chucker' was closer to me than I thought.
If it was seen by the stewards / security, then they certainly didn't do anything about it whilst the match was going on, because the individual concerned went unchallenged for the remainder of the game.
Perhaps in terms of improvement to stewarding, Hull might want consider deploying stewards around the perimiter of the end and LOOKING BACK IN TO THE STANDS, rather than as it seems at most grounds that the orange coat is merely an excuse to watch the game and get paid for it at the same time (as seems a common tradition elsewhere on Humberside). Then, should anyone decide to do something stuipd like throw something on to the pitch, the stewards watching the crowd can at least pin-point the aproximate area of where the missle was launched from to allow the CCTV to zoom in and the individual concerned is swiftly ejected / arrested.
Given the problems at the game and given the history between the two teams, one of the probable outcomes will be the banning of beer in the seats at Hull the next time we're there and yet another ground will be lost to the pleasureable experience of watching a game with a pint because of the inability of someone to demonstrate self-control.
In terms of hassle after the game, I walked back in to the centre of Hull after the game surrounded by FC fans. This was part of my plan to get home and given the nature of the locals, I take sensible precautions (like ensuring my 'exclusive' Leeds shirt is kept well out of sight outside the stadium). I saw no fighting, hassle or scuffles to report.