Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"Damn, you got me there.'"
You've been got, hundreds of times, and not just by me. Monty Python's knight has nothing on you.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"God created angels before the creation of the universe. The Bible does not mention any other God.'"
Angels are as fictitious as your god. The issue was WHO CREATED GOD but as you have already admitted that you don't know, looks like I got you again. Job done.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"Can you explain to me how God’s knowledge of our decisions has any influence on them? '"
They are in no meaningful way "decisions" given that according to you each and every one was pre-ordained by your god.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"Say I recorded a game of rugby league on Sky+. I then read about what happens in the game – the big decisions, the tries, the controversies. Then I go back and watch the game from the beginning. Are the decisions of the players influenced by my foreknowledge? Do they have any choice in whether they commit a high tackle or not? Of course they do.'"
Utterly ridiculous analogy. At no time did you have foreknowledge of what would happen in any future event. You chose to view a historical event. A better analogy would be if you had created a player and knew that tomorrow he would be sent off, for fouling another player. As the event has been pre-ordained, he has no choice in the matter. If he does not foul the player and does not get sent off then you would have been wrong and for a god that would never do.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"Before you say that this example is different because the event has already happened, remember that God exists outside of time '"
Say what? As predicted, you have just come up with some more metaphysical mumbo jumbo, as you invariably do whenever something is too hard. You just make absurd claims and state them as if they are some sort of fact, not a breathtakingly nutty proposition, based on no evidence at all. No, I do NOT "remember" that "god exists outside of time" - he does not exist at all.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"What do you mean where do I stand on this? It’s exactly what it says on the tin.'"
* I mean it is nutty to say, for example, that women cannot teach, and I was wondering whether you agree that women cannot teach, which would be nutty. I presume, from your answer, that nuts it is?
* I mean it is nutty to say, for example, that a woman cannot be a Crown Court judge, and sentence a man for his crimes, and I was wondering whether you accept that, or whether you think that women cannot have any authority over men under any circumstances, which would be nutty. I presume from your answer that nuts it is?
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"You’re quoting Jewish ceremonial law. That is not God’s moral law, and even if it was, it does not convey any endorsement from God as to the morality of such a procedure.'"
I'm quoting your Bible! So at least you agree that [isome[/i of the Bible is bollox? Progress, I suppose.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"God is threatening to do this to David because David has committed great evil. '"
Say what? What is he threatening to do "to David"? He's actually threatening reprisals not to David, but to someone nothing to do with the issue which so upsets god.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"That was a curse over Egypt for their wicked treatment of God’s people.'"
So slaughtering a whole generation of babies is not nutty in your view. At least you admit it, but it does make you look as nutty as the god who would do such a thing, in the land of the sane.
Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"What has this got to do with anything? '"
That it sounds nutty to me for "the Lord" to kill a fig tree for having the temerity not to be in fruit. Again, your support for nuttiness is noted.
In keeping with your wish to remain on topic, I will close by pointing out I find it interesting that the thing you conspicuously fail to comment on is that in effect Nicklinson just wants to follow the example of Jesus, who voluntarily had himself killed. Too hard a point?