Quote Hull White Star="Hull White Star"Now you ARE having a laugh, fair for who exactly?? The two working parent families earning just shy of 100k keeping child benefit or the lone parent earning 50k? (I'm not talking about the fairness of the amount, just the logic)'"
a line has to be drawn somewhere if you want the 'rich' to start paying more/losing more.
Quote Hull White StarFairness that cancer patients are having to go and look for work??'"
good lord. is cancer now a death sentence that makes it impossible to work? my ex boss had it all wrong, working almost to the end, when she should have been at home/hospital simply waiting to die.
Quote Hull White StarFairness that as from April if you have a "spare bedroom" and claim housing benefit, for every "spare" room your benefit will be reduced???'"
absolutely it's fair.
Quote Hull White StarFairness that after 20 years and paying 20% tax on one job and 25% on the other two simultanous jobs I qualify for nought because my husband earns more than 7.5k a year????'"
you do know that the taxes you pay don't sit in your own special account somewhere, waiting for you when you're a bit strapped. pensions have to be paid, wars have to be funded, bins need emptying, the terminally bone idle need cigarettes, etc etc. there'll be a bit set aside for you. but not much.
Quote Hull White StarYeah, this government are really being "fair"'"
they're being as fair as previous governments. i mean the 10p tax removal that screwed the very poorest in society, shameful. and shame on labour voters who are now moaning about similar coalition policies.